October 16th: 41 Weeks Old
This week, Alyssa and I went on a big adventure with the babies to Mt Pleasant. This does not sound like a big outing, but when you have 2 babies (and no GiGi to help) ANYTHING could happen.
The first half of the day went beautifully. We lunched, we shopped, the babies were well behaved... perfect. Then Alyssa jinxed us. She said those famous last words: "Wow. Things have gone really well. Knock on wood." Then....
4:29 Alyssa's famous last words...
4:30 Multi car accident=MEGA-Traffic Jam heading home to West Ashley
4:35 Baby Melt Down x 2 on the Bridge
4:50 Feeding Babies in a Holiday Inn Parking Lot
5:00 Richard Calls with a dead car Battery.... BACK downtown!!!
5:30 Meet Uncle Matt in an Auto Parts parking lot to hand off Banks and Auntie (Did I mention Alyssa had to be dressed, ready and at a Wedding Rehearsal back downtown at 6:30???)
5:35 Discover that Blakely has BLOWN OUT her "backup outfit" AND her car seat....
5:36 Discover that we are OUT of wipes and the Cogdills are gone...
5:37 Attempting the change Blakely's diaper and clean her seat using fast food napkins and bottled water! HA!
5:40 Took naked baby into the Auto Part store to purchase a new car battery for Richard
5:45 Literally, "riding dirty" back downtown to help Blakely's Daddy
6:15 Richard's car is up and running, and we are FINALLY headed back home! Whew!!!
Highlights from the Week:
- Brushing our teeth for the first time: Blakely only wants to bite the tooth brush
- 9 Month Check-up
Weekly Statistics:
Picture Highlights from the Week:
The "BEFORE" picture. There was NO picture taken after the days events. A memorable day, and one we will laugh about for years to come!! So much fun... even during the disasters! |
We had an amazing visit with GrandAnnie this past week!! Blakely LOVES GrandAnnie and the two of them had the best time ever!! GrandAnnie brought Blakely a little "prize." Blakely got so excited about the tissue paper. She pulled it out, flipped it around and waved it in the air!! She was stinking adorable! I know how we are wrapping all her Christmas presents! HA! |
GrandAnnie got Blakely this adorable LeapFrog Puppy named Violet. After Blakely pulled out all the tissue paper, she realized there was something else in the bag. She was slowly reach in and touch it, then pull back like it bit her. Then, she would look at us, rub her belly, then reach in again. It took her 3 attempts to get her new puppy!! It was so cute to see her so shy about her present. Blakely loves her new puppy! Thank you, GrandAnnie! |
Swinging in the park with GrandAnnie |
Loves it! |
Big Girl! |
Blakely's new favorite activity is to stand over the book box, and pull out every single book. Who knows, maybe she'll be a librarian just like her Mimi! |
Blakely got to spend A LOT of quality time with Daddy while Mommy had to study!! Thank you Daddy!! Thank GOODNESS the Boards are FINALLY OVER!!! |
Good Morning Angel!! |
Had a PERFECT week with my GrandAnnie!! Love you and Miss you GrandAnnie!! Can't wait to see you and GrandPop in November!!!