October: Fall Fun
Fall is my favorite season of the year! I love the cooler weather, the apple picking, pumpkin spice everything, hot coffee, football season, holidays, boots and sweaters... actually getting to play outside without breaking a sweat! It's magic!!
This girl...she is obsessed with this grocery cart at her Aunties house. As soon as we get to Aunties, she jumps out and runs and gets he cart. Then she walks up and down and up and down the driveway. My cute little bag lady! |
Loved these Candy Corn shirts that GG made the girls this year! SOOOO CUTE!! |
This girl loves playing in the leaves! |
These two! |
Monster donuts in the yard! |
Blakely has really been into Super hero's this past fall... this is her being SUPER GIRL!! |
Getting our fall decorations!! |
These two are obsessed with the mini pumpkins! We had like 20 of them in and around the house this year! |
We decided that carving pumpkins with a 1 and 3 year old was a little treacherous... so pumpkin painting it is!!! |
My funny girl loves mini pumpkins!! |
The girls loved this activity!! Blakely kept begging to paint MORE and MORE pumpkins!! |
Cowboy day at Preschool!! |
This fall was even more special, because we had a bonus visit from GrandAnnie and GrandPop! |
Blakely all snuggled up reading with her GrandPop! |
This was one of the first days we got to really enjoy the outdoors... this fall had been one of the wettest in SC history. It rained, and rained, and rained, and rained!! These girls were SOOOOOO excited to be outside! |
Love these three!! |
My wild 4 some!!! |
Snuggled up watching: Curious George BooFest |
MORE pumpkin painting... I'm telling you... she was obsessed! PAINT ALL THE PUMPKINS!! |
Leaf rubbings with GG! |
Yard painting with GG!! She is just too much fun!! |
Many fall walks to the park! |
I love fall... SOOOOOO not ready for winter! Brrrrr. |