January 1st: Blakely's 4th and Katy Ellis' 2nd Birthday Party!!
Since the girls birthdays are back-to-back, and we had the WHOLE family in town for New Years... we decided to celebrate their birthday's together on New Years Day!! It was such a fun day with family... and PONIES!! Instead of gifts, GrandPop and GrandAnnie rented ponies for the kids to ride, and it was a HUGE HIT!!! Such an amazing surprise for the girls!!! They had no idea until we pulled up to GG and PopPop's house!! SURPRISE!!! PONIES!!!
These were our 2 "professional" pony riders, because they had already ridden ponies at the zoo. This was the first pony ride for the 3 youngest party goers. |
Blakely just LOVES horses... the only thing she likes more... UNICORNS...next year ;-) |
GG got the birthday girls PINK Cowgirl Hats with Lights and Sparkles!! |
Banks and Blakely hitting the trail! |
Daddy and the littlest Birthday Girl!! |
GrandAnnie and GrandPop love this little Birthday Girl! |
Brantley's first pony ride! |
Like a champ!! |
GrandAnnie and GrandPop with their BIG 4 year old!! |
Walker's first pony ride!! |
The two cutest brothers in the state!! |
Yee-Haw!!! |
I cannot believe that my baby is 4 years old!! Time has just flown by... they have been 4 of the most magical, challenging, happy, exhausting years of my life!! I am so, so, so grateful for this ray of sunshine in our lives!! Mommy and Daddy love you SOOOOOOOOOOO much Blakely. You are the most amazing, creative, funny, artsy, silly, happy girl!! We are so proud of you Big Girl!!!! |
So happy the Canadian Monk's and Hanahan Monk's were able to join us!! Such a special celebration. |
"Giddy Up!!!!'' |
Katy Ellis' first pony ride!! She LOVED it, and now she does NOT understand why she can't ride the ponies at the zoo!! Uh oh!! This shrimp has a LONG wait to 3ft!!! |
Grooming and caring for their ponies!! |
Kisses for the Ponies as we say good bye! |
Banksters chaps were hilarious!!!!! |
This girls just LOVED it!!!! |
2nd generation wagon riders in Mimi's Wagon!! |
Thank you Thank you Thank you to GrandAnnie and GrandPop for the AWESOME pony experience!! The girls absolutely loved it!! HUGE HIT!!!! |
Traditional birthday lunch.... Chick-fil-A nuggets, Crock-pot Mac N' Cheese, Salad Bar and Sister Schubert's Yeast Rolls!! |
Pony Cake!! |
Love KE's earnest little face trying to tear into her present! |
Blakely loved her Pony Baby!! Thank you GG and PopPop!!! |
KE giving her Pony Baby a sweet kiss!!! |
Blakely and KE opening their gift from GrandAnnie!!! |
GrandAnnie had made the girls these ADORABLE Unicorn dresses!!!! Oh my gracious!!! Sooooo cute! |
The girls in their dresses!! |
Thank you GrandAnnie!!!! These are just the CUTEST dresses!!! |
Blakely and GG reading a birthday card!!! Thank you GG and PopPop for letting us have the party at your house!! Yall are absolutely the best host and hostess in town!!! |
One of the girls' favorite gifts was the DELUXE princess package.... with 8 PRINCESSES in it!! GG hit the JACKPOT with this gift!! |
The WHOLE Monk family!!! So happy to have Brian and Sarah home from Hawaii!! |
On her actual birthday, Blakely got some MAIL! |
GG and PopPop had sent her the CUTEST unicorn in the mail with all kids of sweet messages!! Needless to say... she LOVED it!!! |
On her actual birthday, her daddy and I took her lunch and a movie... she loves getting to be our date!! |
Blakely and Katy Ellis had a magical 4th and 2nd birthday!! Thank you to our wonderful families for helping us to celebrate and make it extra special for our girls!!!