April 3rd: Katy Ellis is 2 Months Old!!
I have said it before, and I will probably say it a thousand times.... I cannot believe she is already 2 months old!! Time really does fly when you are raising babies... I need to remind myself to stop, take it in and enjoy these days (even the rough ones), because before I know it these girls won't be little anymore and I don't want to miss it.
Big Milestones for this month:
-Eye contact
-Cooing |
Two Month Well Check:
-Perfect bill of health from Dr. Kate
-10 lb 15 oz (36%)
-22.5 inches long (46%)
-38.5cm OFC (54%) |
Loves: Mommy's voice, singing and cooing, bouncing in the bjorn, stretching, kicking her feet. |
Dislikes: There is not much this girl does not like... she is a super chill baby and rarely cries. |
Biggest change from 1 month to 2 months is her level of alertness. She is now able to stay fully awake for 90 minutes before her next nap. Perfect little Babywise baby!! Everyone joked during the first month that "when she woke up, she would wake up with a vengeance." Nothing could be further from the truth. This girl is just as sweet awake as asleep. Love this little cuddle bug. |
New Nicknames: Squanky, Squankers, Pudge and Pudge Pig.
Squanky comes from these funny little, happy faces she makes where only 1/2 of her face is smiling and she is kind of winking. It is about the cutest thing. She is one Squanky baby.
Pudge Pig comes from those chubby little cheeks and double chin. I still think she looks a LOT like Blakely except for those chubby cheeks! They are about the cutest thing I have ever seen. |
Current schedule:
Wake up at 7am, bedtime at 7pm.
Sleeps from 7-7 almost every night.
Eats at 7, 10, 1, 4, and 7. Takes 4 naps per day.
Eating just Mommy milk. |
Loves to be on her back and look at ceiling fans. Apparently they are very entertaining. |
Still living in 2 houses and having to drive up and down 26 twice a week. KE is a great little traveler and never puts up any fuss. As soon as we get in the car, Little Bit just drifts off to sleep like magic. |
Blakely is finally taking notice that there is a baby in the house. I can honestly say that there has not been a moments jealousy on Blakely's part. I don't think that Blakely views KE as a baby though. She keeps putting tiaras and bracelets on her, and if Blakely is playing babies she brings KE a doll to hold. Blakely even picked out a "Grey" for Katy Ellis at the store. I pray that these sisters continue to love each other and play together as they grow up. |
Happy 2 Month Birthday Katy Girl!! We love you so much. These have been the best 2 months ever, and it just keeps getting better and better!! |
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