January 31st: Welcome to Katy Ellis Clubhouse!!
For Katy Ellis first birthday, we decided to do a Minnie Mouse Clubhouse themed party in honor of the girls first trip to Disney World. It turned out SUPER CUTE, if I do say so myself. I can say this without bragging because I had a LOT of help. This party was a team effort! In particular, I would really like to thank GG. She made all the adorable banners, centerpieces, bunting, food labels, and gift bags. Everything she touched looked so amazing and professional!! Katy Ellis first birthday party was ROCKED by Posh Parties by Peggy! Thank you, thank you, thank you GG!!
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Hot Diggity Dog! Cannot believe that my baby is ONE year old!! |
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I am fairly certain that we are only going to have two kids (sorry future children), so this is my last BABY!! It is so fun to watch this little monkey acquire new skills and become this vibrant little person... but it is also bitter sweet! I may be done having a little, snuggly baby in my house...so I think I keep trying to hold her back. I waited REALLY late to introduce table foods, and I don't want to give up that bedtime bottle and snuggle with her. I remember with Blakely, I couldn't wait for her to learn to walk, try new foods, and become a toddler. With Katy Ellis, I want her to ALWAYS be my baby!! Thankfully time does not stop because I want it to, and she IS growing up. This girl thinks she can run with the big kids! |
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Adorable gift bags GG made for all the big kids, that she filled with fun Disney sursies! |
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Katy Ellis is 1! |
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Pinterest success! |
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GG's adorable center pieces! |
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Month by Month banner showing Katy Ellis growing up! |
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Red icing.... what was I thinking?!?!! Am I insane? |
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Minnie Mouse cupcakes: White cupcakes, 2 mini Oreos and a bow! So simple and so precious! |
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Uncle Matt knew a lady at work who made AMAZING themed sugar cookies! To say they were adorable is truly an understatement. SO STINKING CUTE! |
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Kids table food! |
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The Adult Food |
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GG's super cute food tags. |
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Some one REALLY enjoyed the Chip N' Dale's Chips and Dip. My little dip loving, carbohydrate-crazy girl! |
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Blakely and Banks LOVED hanging out with Kate's girls, Addison and Scarlett. For weeks afterwards, Blakely kept asking "mom, when can my friends come back?" |
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Mom used her silhouette and made this adorable craft where the kids could make their own headbands. |
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Per Kate, Scarlett wore hers for 3 days after the party! |
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Mommies helping at the craft table. |
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GG getting to meet Asher (Kate's youngest). |
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Adam Powell and little Asher enjoying the party! So fun to get to have our friends out to the house! |
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GG loving on her oldest grandbaby!! |
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Dress up!! |
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Seriously Kate, Blakely would like your girls to move in! |
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GG playing ladies maid dressing all the girls. |
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Katy Ellis riding on the roller coaster for the first time! |
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Scared baby LOVED it!!! |
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Present time!! |
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The Cogdill's gave KE bubble blowing lawn mower! Thanks guys! |
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On their first birthdays, I gave both girls their BlaBla Dolls. Blakely got a mermaid, and Katy Ellis got a butterfly! |
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I think she likes it! |
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Yea... she likes it! |
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Coming in for a smash cake! |
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Birthday girl! |
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She looks a little apprehensive about this whole "cake" thingy. |
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She likes the Oreo ears! Still can't believe that my girl is one year old! |
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Getting a little bit of icing on her... |
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She is LOVING this cake! |
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...hmmm, I think this is getting a little messy... |
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"PopPop? You like cake too?" |
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Oh my! |
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What was I thinking? |
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I mean.... no words. |
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Katy Ellis paparazzi going crazy for this little hunk of cuteness! |
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Not to be outdone, Blakely smashed her cupcake on the table and then proceeded to lick it off! Weirdy. |
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She knows she's funny! |
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Seriously. |
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KK was such a mess that Daddy had to put on a bathing suit to give her a bath! IMMEDIATELY!! |
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Daddy loves his littlest girl! |
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Seriously, this girl had SOOOO much red frosting on her that the bath water turned pink! Crazy.
Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back. You are the craziest, happiest, wildest, most energetic baby. You are some how both bold and fearless in one instance, and in the next you are fearful and tentative. You keep Mommy on her toes and always running! You are so fast and busy right now... you wear Mama slap out! Everyday with you is an adventure and so much fun. I pray that as you grow you will learn to love Jesus with you whole heart, laugh everyday, live your dreams and continue to love your family!!
We love you KK Rooster!! So glad that God gave you to us!!! |
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