April 12th: TRICYCLE TIME!!
I am going to take a minute and brag on my sweet Blakely girl! I don't want to be THAT MOM... but this is my blog. Read at your own risk! Ha!
We had purchased a tricycle to give to Blakely on her 3rd birthday. If you have been following, you will remember that she broke her arm the night before her party. Since she wouldn't be able to ride it for a couple of months, we thought it might be cruel to still give it to her for her birthday. So we decided to wait and give it to her in the future. Then... a funny thing happened, we forgot about it. That was until yesterday, when we found an identical bicycle for Banks in blue! Perfect!!! We thought maybe we would wait until Banks birthday to give it to him, but then the weather was perfection today.
Blakely had seen me buy Banks bike, and she told me that "someday I want to have a pink bike!" She then asked me for paper, and I asked her what for. She told me, "to write a letter to Santa to tell him about the pink bike." I gave her my best poker face, and told her that if she was really good maybe she would get one even sooner than Christmas!
Here is where the bragging starts. When we got there... I got her bike out and moved it to the front of the car, while Rich and Blakely got Banks bike out. At this point in time, Blakely wants a bike and knows we are giving this one to Banks. She is so, so, so excited for him! Look at her sweet face... she can hardly wait to give it to him! |
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I pray that she always finds so much joy in giving, rather than receiving. Her sweet smile just shows how much she loves her Banks and wants him to have a bike. She kept yelling "Here's your bike Banks! Come ride your bike Banks!" |
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Blakely yelling "Ta-da! Ta-da!" |
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Banks was really excited about his bike too!!! Ready to ride!! |
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Finally, Richard pulled her aside and asked her if she had been good. She said "yes," and so he told her there was a surprise for her too! |
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Blakely ran out from behind the car and was so surprised and excited! |
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She kept yelling "Thanks to whoever got me my bike!" I think she still thought it might have been from Santa! Heeheeheehee. |
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"It the pink one! I love pink! I love pink!" |
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Banks and Blakely were naturals on tricycles! They really picked up on it quickly. |
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Daddy showing Blakely how the bell works.... he may regret that! Ding-ding! |
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I love these two together... couldn't be closer if they were siblings! |
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Katy Ellis getting in on the bike action... she thought she was BIG STUFF sitting on sissy's bike! |
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This girl LOVES flowers... nobody point out to her that these are actually weeds. |
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"For you Mama!" |
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My crazy Bankster running full tilt with her tongue hanging out! |
Sliding! |
"Don't worry! I got you Daddy!" |
Handsome boy! Sliding, too! |
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Sissy photo bomb! |
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Thank you Banks and Auntie for spending the afternoon at the park with us! We had so much fun! We will have to practice tricycle riding again soon!! |