Monk Mountain Trip 2017: Helen, GA
This summer we had the awesome opportunity to go to North Georgia with our whole family!! Rich and I had booked a small cabin for us and the girls, and then Mom got a campsite for her, dad and the Cogdills!! It was a SUPER fun week, with lots of cousin and "big kid" fun!!
Night 1- we all walked down to North GA BBQ and then headed over for some put put!! |
This was the girls first Put Put experience, and I think it is safe to say that they LOVED it!! |
This swing might collapse with CUTENESS!!! |
Blakely even got her first HOLE IN ONE!!! |
Ice Cold mountain river running straight through our resort!! The girls LOVE to explore the river!! |
On Sunday afternoon, GG and PopPop watched the kiddos so that Alyssa, Matt, Richard and I could go on a Zip Line Tour!! |
This was my first Zip Line Tour and it was AWESOME!!! |
These hats make us look good!! |
I'm super cool!! ;-) |
Special Double Date with my Sissy!! |
Super Awesome fun day!! Thank you GG and PopPop for holding down the fort while we all went out and had some fun!!! |
Helen was such a fun, crazy little town!! So much cool German influence and food! YUM!! |
Katy Ellis kind of dropped her nap this week... sometimes it worked out better than others. |
At dinner with the whole family, we spotted a BLACK BEAR!! It was so cool!!! I love nature!! |
The similarities are UNCANNY!! |
Day Hike with my fam!! |
When I was a little girl, one of my favorite memories was visiting the Babyland General Hospital with my sissy!! I was so excited to get to take Blakely and Katy Ellis!! |
Blakely and her new baby "Princess Sparkle!" |
Hiking Anna Ruby Falls!! |
Such a beautifully, well maintained hiking trail!! |
Unicoi State Park!! |
Dinner at the Troll Tavern! Blakely loved watching the tubers go down the river! The girls loved going down the river themselves... we could walk to the bus for tubing from our cabin, so we went several times! |
German food!! |
Love the goatee Katy Ellis!! |
German chocolates!! |
SUCH AN AWESOME EXPERIENCE!! We found a stable that would let both girls ride!! Blakely got to ride SOLO and Katy Ellis got to ride with me!! We got to ride through the mountains, and even got to ride to the horses through the river!! AMAZING!! Blakely was in heaven!! |
KE: We Trolls!!! |
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German Beers!!! |
At dusk, Blakely loved to catch lightning bugs every night!! |
Our last day, it rained cats and dogs... but that didn't stop us! Girls loved hiking in the rain!! |
Rain day was capped off with Despicable Me 3!! Super fun vacation!! The mountains never disappoint!! |
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