Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ducktails and Fortune Telling

July 1st: I am not sure what it is about being pregnant, but everyone I meet seems to abandon reason when I tell them I am pregnant. They forget medicine and science and fully embrace folklore and "old wives tales." The issue really centers around one (VERY IMPORTANT) topic... the sex. Everyone has been trying to guess the sex of my baby with varying methods...unfortunately only time will tell. Or maybe not....hmmm?

Here is a sampling of things I have been told:

1) I am having a boy, because I never got sick.
2) The Chinese calender says I am having a girl... and the pencil test went parallel. (Morgan knows what I am talking about).
3) I am having a boy, because you swell more with girls.
4) I am having a girl, because my dad "just knows." Mind you, this man is a deacon in a Baptist church and the one who taught be about particle theory. I'm just saying... he's never steered me wrong before.

So, I thought I would make a guess myself. The other day we saw a duck family in the pond behind our house. It was kind of odd, because it was only 1 male mallard, 1 female mallard and only 1 baby duck.

I normally don't find ducks cute, but EVERYTHING is cute in baby form. Minus of course rat and mole babies. Gross!

I thought this little duck family was so cute, and just like Richard and I's little, bitty family. Just one baby duck in our nest (don't listen to Richard if he tells you otherwise). Here is my prediction... I am going to watch this little family for the next couple of weeks. If the baby duck grows up to be a lady duck, then we are having a girl. If the baby duck grows up to be a boy duck, then we are having a boy. I'll keep you posted.

Ducktails... a whoo-hoo!!

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