September 21st:
I have never successfully hosted a surprise party.... I am a terrible secret keeper. That's not entirely accurate, I am a terrible HAPPY secret keeper. I am GREAT at keeping SAD secrets; I am not a "prayer request" gossip. However, if you tell me happy news (engagements, presents, babies, parties, etc.) it takes EVERY OUNCE of strength for me to keep it in. I just love telling people happy news... it makes them happy!! And who doesn't want to make people happy? That is why I am super proud to announce that for Alyssa's 30th birthday Matt and I REALLY, REALLY surprised her!!!!
Alyssa thought she was just going over to our parents house for the standard family birthday dinner, but then Matt got a call from Richard that Blakely needed picked up (this is a pretty normal request for our family) and she got a HUGE surprise when they pulled on our street!! |
I had doubts this week as to whether or not she knew... but when I saw her face as they pulled up, I knew we had her! She was pale and flushed and a little misty. SHOCK.... total SHOCK! |
Ryan and Olivia came all the way from Charleston; Kathryn, Caleb and Wilson came from Greenville/Spartanburg; and The Boyd's came all the way from Augusta, GA!! Alyssa was happily surprised and overwhelmed by all the friends that had traveled for her party!! It was great day. |
This was our first big (ie more than family) party at our house, and we couldn't have asked for better weather!!! Sunny and low 80s; and not a cloud in the sky!! |
The party theme was "Wild Thang!"/ Cougar Season. Alyssa is 6 months older than Matt, and so for 6 months every year Matt LOVES to call Alyssa a cougar! HA! Matt had ordered a cake with a real picture of a cougar on it... he also ordered it to have Strawberry filling. What he did not account for was that it was gonna look like that poor cougar was bleeding to death when we hacked in to! ("Grey icing! I cannot even begin to think how you'd make grey icing!" Anyone???) |
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Happy Birthday to our favorite Cougar!! |
In lieu of gifts, we asked everyone to bring a funny 30's survival gift. This got pretty hysterical. Gifts included: Centrum Silver, Estrogen pills, AARP card, Life Alert button coupon and a "walker!" |
To clarify, my parents gave Alyssa the "walker." It was a name pendant GG made for my new nephew Walker Jeffrey Cogdill!! So beautiful... my mom has mad skills! |
Ironically Alyssa is also 30 weeks pregnant, so maybe my sign was really for Walker!! Love him already!! |
Such a good turn out to celebrate the BESTEST sister and best friend a girl could have!! Obviously, I am in good company! |
Everyone loves Auntie!!! Katy Ellis attempted to sleep through the WHOLE party, but made a cameo near the end. |
We (the adults) had a LOT of fun, but I know our kids had WAY more fun!! They were sweaty, dirty and sticky.... all signs of a great party. Carla had to play ring around the rosie like 80 times! They were loving it. Blakely's favorite part was the "all fall down!" She was often a little too eager to get there, and often collapsed during the line "Ring around the rosie..." She's so silly! Love that crazy girl!! |
After all the guests left, we exchanged presents with Alyssa. And I shocked her again!! I usually tell her everything, and some how since JULY I have managed to keep her present and the party a secret!!! I am getting better with age ;) HA! |
I don't know how to put video on here or I would upload the video of Blakely singing "Happy Birthday" to Auntie, which is beyond precious!!! However, the interesting thing is that Blakely is really getting a sense for what a birthday is, and what to expect. She even keeps asking "Mommy, when's my birthday?" Yesterday after I told her it was Aunties birthday, she asked if she could make her a present. I'm not sure why, but Blakely said that this bird "looks like Auntie" (the big eyes, maybe?????). Blakely was so proud to give her favorite Auntie a birthday gift!! Love my tender hearted girl!!! |
Had such a perfect day, and I hope that Alyssa knows how loved she is!!!
I have known her for her entire life, and she is a part of all my memories that I can remember!! From barbies and babies in the basement to a shared car and cellphone... now raising our own kids together!! She has been my bestest friend and confident for 30 years, and she is the only friend that I KNOW I will still be just as close with in another 30 years. So, so very thankful to God that he cared enough about me to give me such a kind, fun-loving, crazy, amazing, brilliant, beautiful and Godly sister!!
We love you, Alyssa!!! Happy, Happy, Happy BIRTHDAY you 'ole Cougar!!!