September 3rd: Katy Ellis is 7 Month Old
I really don't remember the months flying by this fast when Blakely was this age. I feel like every time I blink this girl gets bigger and can do more things! This past weekend, Rich and I went to a physicians retreat at Wild Dunes and left the girls with my parents. In doing so, we discovered that MAX time away from them at this age is about 2 days. The girls were fine, Rich and I were the ones missing them BIG TIME!! No week long trips for this Mommy and Daddy... yet!
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When we came back this little monkey had acquired some new skills. 1) She can sit up- no tripod! 2) She is up on her knees more and more doing "rocking horse!" We are going to have an early crawler! MUST BY BABY PROOFING GEAR! |
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New Nicknames: Grabby McGhee!! This girl will grab a hold of ANYTHING she can get her hands on, and then it is going in her mouth! |
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The other day I had her in the bumbo on the counter while I prepped dinner (good pediatrician...right?), and she grabbed both baby monitors and was happily banging them together. ANYTHING can be a toy at this age!! |
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Likes: Baby Food- her favorites are Green beans and Zucchini with Corn. It is so fun to have a baby that likes to eat. Blakely NEVER liked to eat. She still doesn't. But Katy Ellis LOVES to eat baby food, she is so quick and efficient! Loves tummy/knee time, too! |
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This girl just cracks me up! Her little personality is totally erupting! She is a wildcat and beyond curious! |
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All things are up for examination- her toes, her hands, my nose, my hair... she wants to get a hold of it all! |
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Dislikes: Not getting to eat when she is ready to eat! Otherwise, this is a happy baby. No real dislikes. |
I try to put up attractive pictures of my children so they won't be humiliated in the future, but this one is a memory I want to remember. This is Katy Ellis getting up on her knees and rocking her bottom (ie the precursor to crawling)... but the part I like the most is that when she gets on her knees she goes bananas hollering and grunting. She is so proud of herself and so excited!! |
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Currently wearing size 6-9 month clothing. Still takes her milk from a bottle, but we are introducing the sippy cup. Eating stage 2 jar foods and puffs, no true solids yet. |
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When I was a little girl, I couldn't say sister properly and it came out "Dister." This subsequently morphed into DeeDee, which is what Banks (and soon Walker) call me today. Spontaneously this past week, Blakely has stopped calling Katy Ellis "Sissy" and has started calling her "Dister!" It must run in the family! |
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This girl is a smiling, giggling, happiness machine!! I just love her and those chubby cheeks! |
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Big Event for the month: First Weekend Away from Mommy and Daddy!! She did so well and was such an angel for GG and PopPop; however, she did get the new nickname "Baby Octopus!" |
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