February 3rd: The wait is over!!
After the last week of my pregnancy (which felt like an eternity), Katy Ellis has arrived!!! She is healthy, perfect and just about the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. I can say that without insulting Blakely, because this baby could be her twin!! So crazy- Katy Ellis looks like and even sounds like (when she cries) her big sister, Blakely!! I couldn't ask for two more beautiful girls. Rich and I feel so blessed to get to be their parents! Thank you Lord for this awesome gift!!
Last Picture of me and Katy Ellis together before she was born. Such a surreal feeling going into the hospital knowing that in 2 hours they will be handing you your baby!! Such a different experience than with Blakely, but everything went smoothly and both me and Katy Ellis came out happy, healthy and whole on the other side. Praise God! |
My first glimpse of this little cutie. Rich and I's first reaction was "Oh, my gosh! She looks just like Blakely!" Then we heard her cry, and we were like "She even sounds just like Blakely!" I felt like I had traveled back in time 25 months. We will have to watch and see if she continues to look like her big sister. |
APGARS of 9 and 10 (since I'm a pediatrician- *wink*).
Wt: 7lb 14oz
Length: 20 3/4 inches
10 fingers and 10 toes...perfect in every way!! |
Sweet, sweet baby face |
It is amazing how your heart changes so much in just a matter of seconds! I had worried during the pregnancy that I wouldn't be able to love Katy Ellis as much as I loved Blakely, or that I would have to share the love that I had for Blakely... but neither of those was correct. My heart literally expanded the minute I saw her, so I was able to give her just as much love as Blakely. I felt like the Grinch... my heart grew 2 sizes that day! |
Such a sweet moment, holding our girl for the first time. I couldn't wait to get my hands on her. |
That sweet face. I fell in love the moment I saw her. I cannot believe I am the mother to two beautiful, perfect girls!! So blessed!! |
Perfect girl! 10 finger, 10 toes. Couldn't be more relieved that she is here and all is well! |
7 pounds 14 ounces
20 3/4 inches
Born on February 3rd @ 8:07am |
No pictures of Daddy's favorite time, but Daddy loves to go to the nursery with his girl while they finish with Mommy in the OR. He loves his special time bonding with his girl. |
Meanwhile, back in the waiting room...
My family had gotten to the hospital at 7am just in case something happened. Unfortunately this meant they had to wait a long, long time. We were slightly delayed with getting to the OR as East Cooper had just gotten a new computer system. Then they held me in the recovery for over an hour. It was past 10am when they got to the room to see us. They were about to lose it!! They were ready to get their hands on our girl! |
There had been several text message debates as to who would get to hold her first- Gigi vs. Auntie. I think we all know who the clear winner was! |
Gigi already loves her newest little addition!! |
PopPop meeting his newest Grand daughter for the first time. Everyone loved Katy Ellis the moment they saw her. She is easy to love and such a cuddle bug. |
That is one proud Gigi and PopPop. Watch out Katy Ellis or they will spoil you sweet! |
Finally!! Auntie got her hands on Katy Ellis.
Someday I am sure Katy Ellis will want to "run away from home." Thankfully, Auntie and Uncle Matt's house is only 4 minutes away. Alyssa is the best Auntie there is!! Katy Ellis is one lucky baby to have so many people who love her. |
Some of my favorite girls.... add a Blakely and I'm set!! |
Meanwhile down in the Lobby...
Big sister Blakely has arrived, and she is ready to meet her baby sister!!
Actually, I think at this point in time she has zero idea that her life is about to change forever (for the better)!! |
We had heard that the best thing to do with the introduction of the new sibling was to be baby free when Blakely arrived, and they introduce Katy Ellis to Blakely. Blakely was so excited to see Mommy and Daddy!! And then... |
"Hi, Baby! Hi Katy!" Blakely did better than I could have ever hoped for. At first she didn't even notice the baby, and then when we pointer her out she said "Hi baby!" We then told her this is her new sister Katy Ellis, to which she waved at the baby and said "Hi Katy!" So sweet.... and then she was off and running again.
Some day these two will be the very best of friends! I pray that they love each other and they are as close as me and Alyssa. I know they will fight and bicker the way sisters will, but at the end of the day they will ALWAYS have one another!!
Bring on the babies, barbies and bows!! |
This picture cracks me up! Blakely was way more interested in this barf bag then in her sister.... she played if like a musical instrument making flute noises!! HA!!! I am literally looking away in this picture to avoid laughing, which for the record is not a fun activity after abdominal surgery. |
Blakely saying "Bye Katy!" |
As recommended in sibling books, the new baby gave Blakely a gift! |
Blakely got a new baby doll!! So Blakely can take of her baby, just like Mommy takes care of the Katy Ellis. |
"Thank you Baby!" Blakely giving Katy Ellis a little thank you kiss. This was about as close as she got that first day... I think she was a little scared to touch the baby. (Oh how I wish that would have lasted!!) |
GrandAnnie and GrandPop meeting Monk grand baby #2!! |
Blakely will tell you "Gannie" and "Gran-ha" are two of the best grandparents around. This baby is so blessed to have two amazing sets of grandparents!! |
Love at first sight!! GrandAnnie was so excited to finally hold Miss Katy Ellis!! The wait was finally over. |
Aunt Kelly even got to come and meet Katy Ellis after she got off work. |
Katy Ellis if you are anything like your big sister, you are going to think you Aunt Kelly is one of the funniest people alive. When Blakely gets around Aunt Kelly, she goes crazy and giggles the whole time. |
We are so excited that Katy Ellis is finally here!!! Mommy and Daddy love you so much already little girl. We can't wait to see what the future will hold!! You are one love little girl!! |
Thank you Lord for this most precious gift of a second daughter! Thank you for her health and a safe delivery!! We pray that you will help us raise her in a way that is honoring to you. We pray that she would come to know and love you at an early age. Please grant us wisdom and endurance to teach her the truth, and help us to show her Jesus and more of his love and grace each day! Please make us worthy of this calling!! Amen. |
Lauren, she's perfect!!! Congrats to ya'll!!! You're giving us the fever!!! I'm so happy for your precious family of 4!