Sunday, February 9, 2014

Let's Go Get Us a Baby!!

February 2nd: Headed back to Charleston to go meet Katy Ellis!!!

It is officially the day before we meet Miss Katy Ellis! My C-section is scheduled for the morning, we are packed up and ready to head back to Charleston.

Before we left, GrandAnnie presented me with a quilt and pillow that she had made for Katy Ellis. I knew that she would be making a quilt for Katy Ellis, because she had made one for Blakely. I just had not idea how different and special this quilt would be compared to Blakely's.

GrandAnnie had used pastel fabrics and one with small hand prints in it. She then used a stencil of Blakely's hand to quilt the two sides together. I love that she used Katy Ellis' big sister as a part of her quilt. It is unique, but above all I will love to look back and see how small Blakely's hands were when she became a big sister!!

There are 72 hand prints quilting the two sides together!! I know Katy Ellis is going to LOVE this quilt. This will be a keep sake that she keeps for the rest of her life! (P.S. This is also my 9 months pregnant shot! Probably last time you'll catch this girl pregnant! Woohoo!!)

GrandPop had the great idea to enlist Gigi's help with the pillow. Gigi put this beautiful applique and monogram on the fabric GrandAnnie used to make the matching pillow. I am so blessed to have such amazingly talented women in my life! Thank you Gigi and GrandAnnie for all your craftiness! I love all the beautiful memories y'all make for my girls and me!!

Who is ready to become a BIG sister? I can hardly believe it! I feel like she was just our newborn little baby!!

Picking her up for one of the last times for a couple of weeks! One of the things I am most worried about is how my recovery from my C-section will affect Blakely. I won't be able to lift anything heavier than 10 pounds for 2-3 weeks, and I don't want Blakely to perceive this as "Mommy loves Katy Ellis more than me" or "I've been replaced." Pray that I will be able to explain my "boo-boo" to Blakely and that she won't take it personally.

What an amazing visit we have had with GrandAnnie and GrandPop!! Thank y'all so much for EVERYTHING (which is a whole lot) y'all did for my little family this month!! I cannot express to y'all how much it has meant to me and how much stress and worry you helped lift from my shoulders! Y'all are amazing people, grandparents and in-laws!! So thankful I won the in-law lottery when I married Rich!

Last picture as a family of 3!! When we come home, we will be a family of four!!!

Can't wait to bring our girl home!!

Dear Lord, Please keep Katy Ellis and I safe during the surgery and recovery. Help us to trust you with this new life and to honor you with the way that we raise her. She is yours Lord! And we dedicate ourselves to raising her to KNOW you!! Amen.

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