Sunday, August 3, 2014

a VERY LONG June...

June 2014: A Month Apart
June has been a very, very long month full of waiting. At the end of May, I finished up my job at Sweetgrass, moved fully with the girls to Lexington and started getting the Charleston house ready for sale. Rich still had another month left at MUSC, so he stayed on with some our dearest friends, The Khalil's. Needless to say the girls and I missed their Daddy acutely. EVERY DAY, Blakely would ask me "where daddy go?" to which I would respond "he's at work." It broke my heart to see how crestfallen she would be to this answer. We were majorly on count down to July 1st like we had never been before!! Real life here we come!!
June was really difficult for Richard too. He had no home, was living out of his suitcase, missing his girls like crazy and no weekends off to come home. A couple of times, Rich would get off work early and make the 2 1/2 hour drive home for dinner, spend the night and drive back the next morning at 5am. A whirlwind trip to say the very least!! Literally, he would be home for less than 12 hours and then back on the road. Praise God that June is done!! Woo hoo!!!
These pictures are from one of the evenings that Daddy stole home from Charleston.

When her Daddy showed up unexpectedly it was like Christmas, New Years and her Birthday all rolled into one!!

Blakely showing Daddy how she had been such a big helper with Katy Ellis while he had been away.

This is her best friend, and she missed him something crazy while he was gone.

Katy Ellis loves her hands in her mouth... all day long.

Love this outfit on her, but she kind of looks like a little old, country lady.


Katy Ellis was getting A LOT of attention for sitting up like a big girl in her bumbo seat.
So somebody else thought that she should take a turn too. Crazy girl!
Praise God for his grace to us this month!! We have made it to the other side and our time apart is over!! So crazy that Richard will get to come home EVERY NIGHT and only work 1 weekend out of 6!! HURRAY!!! I am so looking forward to us getting sick of each other. HA!

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