Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Tober's Take Edisto

June 30th- July 7th: Fourth of July on Edisto Island

In celebration of OH-SO-MANY-THINGS, The Tober clan packed 4 cars to maximum capacity and headed to Edisto Island for the fourth of July. It was an amazing week and extremely relaxing. I know the adults had fun, but not compared with the Littles! Banks and Blakely had the time of their lives playing in the ocean and pool, wagon riding, biking and playing with PopPop and both Daddies! Thank you so much GG and PopPop for taking us on such an amazing family vacation.

Two besties headed to the Sound for a swim.

We attempted to take the Little's to the beach the first day, but with Hurricane Arthur off the coast the water was much too dangerous, so instead we would bike to the sound for some safer, wave free swimming.

These two love to hold hands. Usually when we ask them to hold hands, they try and hold both sets of hands and walk. It can be very hilarious.

Neither toddler liked putting sunblock on, but in this day in age it is a must!
To get Blakely to put sunblock on, we told her it was makeup (she LOVES to play in my make up drawer).
To get Banks to put his sunblock on, Auntie would tell him he was being painted white (which is currently his favorite color).

Ode to the Yellow tube! These two lived in these yellow tubes all week. They are definitely NOT fashionable, but they gave them independence and freedom while swimming.

Alyssa and I have become so dependent on the kids having their yellow tubes, that I bought an emergency back up in case something happened to one of the tubes. In Alyssa's words "If we lose a tube, the vacation will be over!" And she was serious!

These two... best buddies.

My Big Girl Beach Babe

Banks had a GREAT vacation!! This picture represents him perfectly....ALWAYS on the go!

Blakely was super energetic the entire week, and so happy to finally have her daddy back!!
Blakely's phrases du jour: "Come with me!" "This way!" "Follow me!" "Come on! Come on! Come on!"

His favorite activity of the vacation was riding in the wagon or bike and looking at BIG TRUCKS (ie "go-go's").

Reunited with her Daddy/Playmate

Jump 1/3: This week Blakely learned how to jump into the pool.

Jump 2/3: Not so much jumping as falling.

Jump 3/3: ...but she LOVES it, and would ask to "jump" again and again.

Pool Babes

Katy Ellis didn't do much swimming, but she did a lot of lounging pool side.

Happiness is a yellow tube and a pool.

Rich used to be base for Furman Cheerleading, so we thought we would see what our littlest cheerleader could do.

Banks and Blakely got pretty good with some coaching from Auntie and Uncle Richard!!

Blakely HAD to be holding Mermaid in order to do her stunts.

Blakely learned the phrase "Ta-da" this week, and I think we heard it about a 100x!!

PopPop and his littlest Little.

GG and PopPop with KE.

Katy Ellis turned 5 months old on this vacation, so she got to try rice cereal for the first time.

She was a good eater and loved rice cereal.

Her love for rice cereal was short lived, and only last about 1 week... then she wanted something with flavor.

Hanging with PopPop on the porch.

Banks is a big brother in training. He loves Katy Ellis and is always trying to protect her, play with her, entertain her, etc. If she cries for even a second, he is running to Mommy or Auntie to make sure someone is going to help her. He is going to be a GREAT big brother.

We had AWESOME food while we were on vacation. We took turns cooking.
Monks: Steak Dinner
Cogdills: Alice Springs Chicken
Tobers: Ribs

In celebration of Richard FINALLY being done with training, GG and PopPop watched the kids and Richard, me, Alyssa and Matt went out to dinner.

Katy Ellis and Blakely are so proud of their Daddy.

We had dinner at the Old Post Office on Edisto.

It was so much fun to hang out with just adults. The food was delicious (especially the butter beans and grits), and we had a wonderful time.
Richard- I am so, so proud of all you have accomplished. It has been a long road, but together it was fun!! So, so glad that it is over and our real life is about to begin!! LOVE YOU!! xoxoxo

Attempted while we were there to do a sunset photo shoot. This was "somewhat" successful. Well, at least it was as successful as we could hope for given we were working with toddlers and an infant moments before bedtime.

Easiest one to photograph, Katy Ellis. Always happy, always willing to look at the camera, sweetest girl in the world.

Despite all the drama, I did manage to get some great candid shots of the kids.

Bottom's up: blackmail for the future.

Out take 1/3: The whole point of going to beach to take pictures was to get a shot of these three together in their shark shirts. GG had worked really hard and had made them these adorable chevron shark t-shirts and long board PJs. Alyssa and I thought it would be great to get a picture of them all dressed up and matching. HA!

Out take 2/3: These are literally the best pictures we got of all three, because they are actually all in the same shot. Poor Katy Ellis in this picture; both big kids are bailing on her as fast as they can.

Out take 3/3: Poor GG and PopPop... No such luck with a great Grandkid pic. Oh well, better luck next year!

We had a perfect vacation!! Just wish that Uncle Ryan and Aunt Olivia could have come too!! Next time!!

Spent the week swimming, playing with the kiddos, reading, biking, lounging, eating, walking, relaxing, playing euchre and board games. So, so very much fun with the Tober family. Can't wait for our next family adventure!!!

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