The next couple of days were magical and surreal. We spent our first days as a family getting to know each other and visiting with friends and family. Blakely is perfect in every way. She has 10 fingers and 10 toes. She has a shock of dark brown hair, and eyes that changed colors every day. Today, they are currently a dark blue with some gray undertones. Everyone loved Blakely immediately!! She is a sweet baby and easy to love.
Gigi and Aunt Alyssa had been working on a "special project" for the whole month of December, and once they got us in a room it was revealed. They had made this adorable door announcement for the hospital. It was so cute that other patients wanted to know where they could buy one! Way to go Gigi and Aunt Alyssa!!
Gigi was one of the first people to get to hold Blakely! She was extremely excited and cried when she held her for the first time. Gigi had been going crazy waiting for Blakely to arrive.

Blakely was under major security detail. We all had to wear multiple identifiers and she had a security bracelet on that went off if we took her too close to the door.
PopPop holding her for the first time in the hospital. Odd, but they kind of match.
Hanging out with Daddy in our hospital room. She is a very alert baby, and loves to look around.
On our last night in the hospital, they served us a steak dinner to celebrate the birth of our baby! Surprisingly it was really good for hospital food. Yum!
This cute little hat was given to her by her Uncle Ryan and Aunt LuLu. All the nurses thought she was quite the little diva in this hat. The crocheted blanket is also very special. My Aunt Shirley made it for me 29 years ago when I was a baby, and now Blakely gets to use it too. It is just as beautiful today as it was then.
East Cooper was an awesome hospital, and we had an amazing delivery experience. Thank you to all the wonderful doctors and nurses that helped take care of me and Blakely! Ya'll are awesome!
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