Wednesday, September 11, 2013

20 Months Old

September 3rd:

Finally feeling good!! YEAH!! The rain FINALLY stopped, and I am FINALLY not nauseated anymore!! This was a very, very good month. We got to get outside and go on lots of adventures. Plus, this month Gigi and PopPop closed on their new house on Lake Murray... and we got back out on the water. Blakely is too squiggly to ride on the boats long, but she loves to play in the water at the beach, and we are working on learning how to float and kick in the water. Such a blast! Sad to say, but in August I felt like summer finally got started! HA!

Blakely running through the sprinklers at Wanamaker Park.

Highlights from the Month:
- Blakely learns to give kisses...."MUAH!"
- Word explosion!!! Kitty, Hello, Mouth, Nose, Ears, Eyes, Up, Oh-coconuts, Yo-ho, cup, car, chair, Pop (as in PopPop), Gi (as in GiGi), Mama, Dada, Toes, Shoes, etc, etc, etc...
- Knows TONS and TONS of body parts and is able to point to them and say them.
- Learned how to clink cups and say "Cheers!!"
- Plays at the Wanamaker sprinklers.
- Loves to dance and make Daddy spin around
- Blakely has figured out how to tickle... and she says "tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tick-a...."
- Blakely learns to fold her hands and close her eyes for evening prayer. Melts my heart every time.

Picture Highlights from the Month:
PopPop and Blakely playing in the sprinklers.

She would have stayed and played all day!!

Playing puzzles with her Daddy. Blakely can't wait for her Daddy to get home. By 6pm... Mommy is beat and not much fun anymore. Daddy, on the other hand, is ready to play, wrestle, chase, dance, etc!! This girl LOVES when her Daddy comes home!

Playing Doctor: Blakely has learned to put the stethoscope on her "patient" and then she says "ba-da...." Which is the Blakely equivalent of "lub-dub." So precious! Love our Dr. Princess!

Blakely has figured out how to tickle... and she says "tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tick-a...." It is precious. Then, you MUST giggle like crazy for her. She loves it.

Blakely also has learned the meaning of the words "stop" and "go" from the "Little Pony Song." This is her riding her Pony! HA!
CHEERS!! Richard taught Blakely how to raise a glass, clink cups and yell "CHEERS!" After which, they "drink" their bottles. Love this.

Riding her Ybike! I feel like she is finally big enough to push it around the house! Go girl!

Kissing EVERYTHING!! This is Blakely kissing her Kitty goodnight. "MUAH!"

Good night, Daddy!! Blakely is going to bed. It doesn't matter what she is doing, if we yell "night-night time," this girl gets up and runs to her room!! She LOVES bedtime and her night time routine. Such a sweet time for our family with precious memories. Just love this girl!

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