March 3rd: One Month Old
I cannot believe how quickly this last month has gone by!! I feel like we had been waiting and waiting for delivery day, and now a whole month has just flown by!! It has been a great month. Better in fact than I could have ever imagined. Katy Ellis is a great baby and very easy going. In a lot of ways having Katy Ellis has not slowed Blakely and I down at all. We still go to the park, the mall, the zoo, the playgrounds, the museum; we just have Katy Ellis with us now. I feel like Katy Ellis has really enriched Blakely's life and made it better. I am so glad that my girls have a build in best friend for life!!
Katy Ellis is currently "sleeping through the night" by Baby Wise standards, meaning that she sleeps for 6-8 hour stretches at night. Bedtime is a 7pm, and she usually only gets up on time to nurse at 5am. She is then up for the day at 7:30am. |
She has acquired a LOT of nicknames in her short time with us: Cuddles, Cuddler, Buggles, Katy Girl, Katy-did, Dreamer, Sleepers, Beautiful Dreamer, Sleeping Beauty, KE. |
Katy Ellis is already on a great Baby Wise schedule!! She eats at 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, and once overnight. She takes 3-4 naps per day. She has been on an eat, play, sleep schedule since birth.... mainly because she basically just eats and sleeps. HA! Girl you are making Mommy look like Super Mommy, but in reality I just have a great baby! |
In Charleston and in Lexington, Katy Ellis still sleeps in our walk-in closets. This is to keep her close to me for night time nursing sessions. Now that she is only getting up once per night, it may be time to consider moving her into her own room!! This means we need to get Blakely out of the crib and into her Big Girl bed!! |
Katy Ellis favorite things right now: cuddling, mommy, sleeping, eating, car rides and eye contact. |
Katy Ellis' least favorite things right now: diaper changes, cold wipes, baths, wet diapers. |
Currently, Katy Ellis hair is a very, very dark brown (like mine) and her eyes appear to be gray-blue (like Richard's). She still looks a lot like Blakely, but I think there is more Tober in this girl. (Blakely is a total Monk baby. She is like GrandAnnie's mini me!) |
This Onsie is the same one that Banks wore for his 1 month pictures. Gigi made a whole 12 month set, and hopefully we will be able to get all the Grandbabies pictures (except Blakely) in the same ones! |
Katy Ellis loves to be swaddled really, really tight when she sleeps. She even likes to be swaddled in her carrier. She also likes to go to sleep awake, and then fall asleep in her bassinet. I know I am always comparing, but they are just such different babies! Blakely HATED to be swaddled! She always wanted to be stretched out with her hands over her head. |
Hello there surprised girl! She is not smiling yet, but you can definitely see her trying. I cannot wait for those first big baby grins and giggles! They are some of my favorite developmental milestones! |
Monthly Statistics:
8lb 4 oz at 2 weeks old
9lb 8oz at 4 weeks old |
Major Milestones:
-Eye contact and starting to track
-Bats at toys
-Sleeping through the night
Katy Ellis it is such a pleasure to be your Mommy!! I cannot wait to see what the coming months and years have in store! I love you little Cuddle-bug! |
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