February 18th:
After two glorious weeks in Lexington with Richard, we had to head back to Charleston. While we were sad to say good bye to Lexington and our future home, we were excited for Katy Ellis to get to see our "Sea Side Shack!" HA! The BIGGEST downside to heading back to Charleston was saying goodbye to most of our extended family and Rich going back to work. On the plus side, Katy Ellis finally got to meet her Uncle Ryan!!
Uncle Ryan had unfortunately gotten a stomach bug the Monday that Katy Ellis was born so he did not get to meet her at the hospital. Needless to say he was pretty bummed, so we made sure he got to meet his new niece as soon as we got home. |
Uncle Ryan, you look pretty good with a baby!! HA! Just kidding Gigi! |
Richard calls her his "Beautiful Dreamer." She is probably one of the sleepiest babies I have ever known! Thankfully she is a good eater and growing well, so I guess we will just have to let the girl sleep. She'll wake up eventually.
Our little "Sleeping Beauty!" |
This is a picture from Lexington, but it is one of my favorite things from our time in Charleston. Every morning at 7am when the girls woke up, I would get Blakely and put her in Mommy and Daddy's bed with her milk. I would then get back in bed with Katy Ellis. Both girls would have their milk, and then the three of us would snuggle. *BLISS* |
I love snuggling this girl! She will just curl up on my chest and snuggle!! I call her Snuggles, Snuggler, Buggles, Cuddly Bud, Love Bug, Katy Girl...etc.
She is just so different from Blakely as a baby. Blakely was born wide awake, alert, curious, and wanting to see the world. She never wanted to be held like a baby; she wanted to sit up and look around.
Katy Ellis is the complete opposite! She is a sleepy, cuddly baby who just wants to curl up on your chest and take a nap. There could not be two other babies that are so different, who look so much a like!
While back in Charleston, Blakely has gotten REALLY, REALLY in to Ballerinas and dancing. She literally dances and sings from sun up to sun down... everyday! |
When she gets up, she immediately wants her tu-tu on... and off she goes! She will spin and spin until she falls down. She also refuses to keep her eyes open while spinning which tends to lead to some injuries. I didn't manage to capture it on my camera, but her "ballerina face" is hilarious! She furrows her brow and makes the most serious face; it is probably one of the funniest things I have ever seen! |
Ballerina blur! Can't get this girl to slowdown. |
Katy Ellis is starting to be a little more alert as she gets closer to 4 weeks old. She will now stay awake for about 15-20 minutes after she eats!! Go KE! Love this beautiful girl!! |
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