Monday, June 9, 2014

3 Months Old

May 3rd: Katy Ellis is 3 Months Old!!

This has been an amazing month, capped off with a terrible week.... which then lead to me going back to work. The month of April was like a preview of our life to come!! The girls and I stayed in Lexington for 3 weeks straight, Rich had 10 days off at the new house in a row, and to say it was magic is probably to mild a description... but then there was the terrible week (see prior post).

The weather this month has been spectacular with most nights ending with me and Richard out on our porch. Magic. Picnics, tea parties, reading and playing in the yard with the girls and Banks. Magic. I am literally falling in love with our backyard! I am so excited for our new life to start in our new home. I am definitely anxious about making new friends, finding a new church, and getting settled, but I know the Lord has GREAT things for us in Lexington, and I can hardly wait to see what He does!

Milestones: Head High on tummy time, rolling over from Back to front, cackling (not giggling quite yet), can do 10-15 minutes of tummy time at a stretch, sleeping through the night.

Rolly Polly!! This girl is a rolling fool! All of a sudden she went from sleeping all day to an active girl. She can roll over from back to front quickly and consistently. She is still working on front to back rolling. She can do it if you prop her arms up under her. She is so, so fast at rolling!

With new abilities comes some minor set backs. Previously, Katy Ellis was sleeping consistently for 1 1/2 hours and through the night. NOW... she will roll over during sleep time and tolerate it for like 5 minutes and then get really, really unhappy. I am not digging it! Boo. Can't wait for her to learn to love to sleep on her tummy or learn to roll back over on her own! Come on Katy Ellis!!

Likes: Rolling over, singing, cooing, smiling, activity mat/toys.

Dislikes: Being on her tummy for any extended time period, being hot (puts her straight to sleep).

This little smiley-McGhee is still the bestest baby in the whole world!! This month I went back to work, and Auntie/Gigi/GrandAnnie all pitched in and helped us bridge the gap with childcare for 5 weeks. Gigi said after the first day with all 3 grandbabies, "Banks required 75% of your energy, Blakely 24.5% and Katy Ellis 0.5%!" Bestest baby ever!!!

Big Event for 3 Months Old: Met Grand Poppy, Grandma Koko, and Grandma Pinkie. GrandAnnie came to visit. Mommy went back to work.

Going back to work this month was not nearly as bad as last time with Blakely for several reasons. #1- I really, really love my job, and I could not wait to see my co-workers! #2- I only work 9am-5pm 3 days a week. #3- I am only going back to work for 5 weeks. #4- Then I will be taking an extended leave of absence for 6-12 months to be a stay at home Mommy. #5- She will be 12 weeks when I go back (as opposed to 4 1/2 weeks with Blakely).  I can do this!

The hardest part about going back to work is missing this sweet face. The second hardest thing.... pumping. I HATE pumping. BUT...It is worth it to give my girl the best!

Katy Ellis LOVES to sing to her GrandAnnie!! It was love at first site for the two of them. Who knows... maybe Katy Ellis inherited her musical abilities!!

That face just makes my heart melt!!

LOVE these monthly shirts that Gigi has been making for Katy Ellis! 3 months may be my new favorite!
Blakely is finally becoming more aware of Katy Ellis... mainly because she is awake more. Blakely always wants to make sure Katy Ellis has her toys or anything she can find that is hers. She puts tiaras on her, bracelets on her and always wants to make sure Katy Ellis is included in whatever the "big girls" (ie me and Blakely) are doing. If we are having a tea party, Katy Ellis HAS to have a cup too! So, so sweet!

Tummy time is a fun for about 5-10 minutes, then...

Current Favorite Nick names: Squankers, Pudge Pig, KK, KE, Squank-a-roo, Katy Girl

It is such a pleasure to be this little girls Mommy!! I love you so much Katy Ellis. You are so easy to be with and mellow... I wonder what your personality will be like when you are older? We will have to wait and see!

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