October 11th: Let's Go to the SC State Fair!!
This is the first year we have taken Blakely to the fair. We are taking her to Disney in January, so we thought this would be a good trial run to see what kind of rides she likes, and to see how adventurous she is. To say she loved it is just too mild a description. She had NEVER been to a fair, but when we pulled up and she saw the Ferris wheel and lights she started yelling "So pretty!! I go fair too! I go fair too!!" We knew we were going to have an amazing night, and she did not disappoint.
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This girl would have rode EVERY ride with her daddy! Thank goodness she's still less than 42 inches or we would be broke! |
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Started off kind of slow; didn't know yet how she would react. |
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Blakely was super excited to meet a "real" fairy!!
Rich and I, on the other hand, view this moment as the only mistake of the evening... glitter and toddlers...bad idea. |
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Cotton candy!! You can see that she is COVERED in glitter!! |
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Blakely loved the Chinese Dragon rolled coaster!! It was super fast, and all I could catch of her is her bow and a little bit of Rich's head. This ride scared me, but Blakely got off and said "another one!" |
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That cute little bow sticking up!! Tiny, but fearless!! |
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Rich is all the way to the right in the yellow t-shirt. |
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I rode the Dragon with her.... it was terrifying! There are two drops and it turns REALLY quickly. My brave girl! |
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We even managed to squeak in some pig racing! It was an SEC match up and GA won (BOO!!); I'm not bitter. |
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Magic show.... actually pretty impressive. I wish we had caught more of the show. |
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Tea cup ride.... next time it'll be in the Magic Kingdom!! (Shhhh!! Don't tell her! ;) ) |
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Blakely all the way over to the left. |
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Attempted to get a family shot, but it was a little challenged. KE was also at the fair.... but did not make it in to this pic. Poor KE... it's tough being "bottom bunk" in the stroller. |
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You can barely make out Blakely in this picture. You can see her red bow next to Richard riding the Caterpillar roller coaster.
Banks had gone to the fair 3 nights before us, and Auntie had sent us a video of him riding this roller coaster. Blakely watcher it over ... and over.... and over... and over again! We were two rows over and riding on the swings, when Blakely yells out "That's B's favorite!!" Oh and you know she wanted to ride it too!! However, she did inform us that the Dragon was "Blakey's favorite." |
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Didn't want to slow down to eat, so Blakely and her daddy shared a funnel cake while waiting in line. You could say she liked it. ;) |
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A little blurry, but this is me and my girl riding the swings. |
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We went and checked out all the animal exhibits. Blakely couldn't understand (after our last experience on the farm) why I wouldn't "catch one" for her. Ha!
The fair also had an awesome petting zoo that included a zebra! |
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They also had an opportunity for you to ride an elephant!! WHAT?!?! It was the same price to ride the ponies, a camel or an elephant... NO BRAINER!! |
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Blakely was so excited, and she waited so patiently in line. |
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Blakely sat in the front and the elephants ears kept flapping on her legs. Rich said she would apologize to the elephant every time, "Oh sorry elephant." |
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Blakely petting the elephant and telling it "I love you, Elephant." |
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She rode EVERYTHING she was tall enough to ride!!
Two roller coasters, tea cups, motorcycles, trucks, swings and an elephant! |
We had a magical family night at the fair, and I cannot wait for January at Disney. My fearless roller coaster riding, princess loving girl is going to absolutely love it!!