Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Little Arts and Crafts...

October 23rd: Welcome to Nesting 101!!

If you do not believe that you are affected by your hormones.... keep reading.
I entered the 3rd trimester about 1 month ago, and it was like a switch was flipped, and I went into nesting mode. Imagine normal nesting, then add a dash of ADHD off meds! Yikes!

1) I have cleaned my whole house from TOP to BOTTOM. This includes baseboards, fans, cabinets and the fridge (3 times). I even woke up one night at 3am, and attempted to rent a carpet cleaner!! Watch out dust bunnies... I'm coming for you!!

2) I gave my whole yard a make over in a day! I sanded/re-painted the outdoor rockers, replanted all the flower beds, dug up the sweet potatoes in the garden, weeded all the beds, and cleaned and organized the garage. My husband thought a very, tidy hurricane had blown through!!

3) Tying up loose ends at work: outstanding projects, licensure paperwork, questions, duty hours, etc.

4) FINALLY, I have become EXTREMELY CRAFTY!! I have been making, decorating and sewing up a storm!!! Here are a couple of my favorite projects:


This past weekend the 3rd year girls in my program threw me an AMAZING shower!!! The only issue was that there were 11 of them hostessing. What do you do for a hostess gift for 11 girls, that doesn't break the bank??? TO THE PINTREST!!!!

Found this adorable idea, and now I will share it with y'all!! Super simple.

First, you start with a Starbucks cup and a Starbucks gift card.

Then, you fill the cup with some kind of candy to weigh it down. It's Fall in South Carolina right now, so I thought some Brach's Candy Corn would be cute and seasonal. Don't forget to put your gift card in the cup before you put the lid on.... otherwise your cute gift, will be a kind of lame.

Then, use clear wrapping paper (2.5 feet x 2.5 feet) which can be purchased at the dollar store and close the "bag" you create with a creative bow. We used brown, ribbed ribbon from the Wal-mart craft section to match the Starbucks cup, but literally ANYTHING could work.

Finally, you want to attach this gifts catch phrase, "THANKS A LATTE!!" in a creative way. As previously stated, we were going with a fall theme. We found these adorable di-cuts at the dollar store. Loved them!

The Finished Project!! Just for ease of presentation and delivery, we chose to put ours into a coffee cup carrier! Now, we just have to wait and see if the girls like their gift!


Two years ago, my sister and I got sewing machines for Christmas! We have had so much fun making things for our friends and family. Now that I am having a baby, we have started sewing again... but this time it is for little Blakely!! So far I have made sheets for her bassinet, a nursing cover-up, a bib, and a burp cloth!

This is a bib and burp cloth I made for one of my attendings who is also having a baby in January. I also made this same set for Blakely!! Love the pink and yellow together!!

The sewing machine is still out, so look forward to more projects to come!! My hormones are still ragging... so who knows what will get cleaned, organized or decorated next!! HA!

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