Monday, August 6, 2012

31 Weeks Old

August 7th: 31 Weeks Old

Blakely is 7 Months old... which just sounds like crazy talk. I know I'm her mom, so I know I am probably biased.... but she is just the best baby in every way!! She is beautiful, sweet, easy to be with, so happy and oh, so funny. She has the ability to crack herself up and as a result.... have me and Rich is stitches as well. I just love this little Monkey!!

Counting down the days until her Cousin Banks gets here!!! (Alyssa is 36 weeks this week!)

31 Weeks old...these pictures are becoming a struggle. She is so active... she grabs her baby, then flops to her belly, she eats the weekly sign, she stares at the light...smiling for the camera is literally the least of her concerns. HA!
Highlights from the Week:
- Lots of quality time at home with Mommy!!
- Loves to be sitting upright... starting to check herself and correct if she is falling over. Getting really stable sitting up.
- 7 Months Old
- Blakely loves food.... she is decreasing her Milk intake and increasing how much baby food she eats.
- Blakely ESPECIALLY love puffs! Her hand eye coordination is getting SOOO good!

Picture Highlights from the Week:
I love this time of day.... right after Blakely gets up in the Morning, I bring her into my room and she sits in the sun and watches me get ready. She is such a little cutie in her little jammies!!

Figuring out how to bathe Blakely when Rich is on call is always a challenge.... this was our latest attempt, a bath ring in the kitchen sink. Worked pretty good, but I think we can ditch the ring once she is able to sit up a little more reliably.

Shot 1/3: She spots the puff.

Shot 2/3: She picks the puff up with her "emerging pincer grasp!" She is so advanced!

Shot 3/3: Success!! She gets the puff in, and she is so proud of herself!! Yeah Blakely!!

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