Sunday, August 26, 2012

33 Weeks Old

August 21st: 33 Weeks Old

So, I THINK Blakely might be starting to talk!! This week she started saying "Mamamamamama," which is SOOOO amazing. However, she only says it when she is sad and alone in her bed at nap time. :( It is so incredibly hard to resist going into get her now, when she calls out my name on the monitor!! I can hardly wait for the day that she looks at me and says my name, and I KNOW that she saying it just for me!! I love her sweet little voice!!

She is so funny!! Only way to stop her from eating the sign was to put her sock monkey in her hand! She kind of looks like a "flower child" the way she is wearing her headband. Peace!

Highlights from the Week:
-Crawling Backwards: Blakely does a lot of "planking" and attempts to crawl, but she always ends up going the wrong direction. This initially made her really frustrated, but now she has figured out if she turns a 180 degrees she can go scoot backwards to her goal. Such a smart girl!
-"Mamamamma"but only when angry or sad
-Tries meat for the first time- really loves Turkey and Sweet Potato baby food!
-Loves animals!!! Blakely and I play "Safari" in the house and go hunting for big cats (ie Max our Black Kitty). EVERY time she sees him, she goes crazy!! She kicks and squeals, and ultimately lunges for him!! She is mesmerized by him, and he could care less! HA!

Picture Highlights from the Week:

Look at these 2 cool girls!! Love it!

Gigi and Blakely love to go for walks. Unfortunately ALL the strollers and wagons were at my house, so they had to go to the last resort..... the Bjorn. Love the sunglasses girls!
"Planking" and "downward facing dog." Blakely has not figured out crawling yet, but she is doing amazing things with her P90X routine! ABS OF STEEL!!
Blakely watching me make coffee in the AM... such a sweet girl.

If you have never seen Zoolander, then this pic is not for you.... for everyone else: BLUE STEEL!!

Blakely is just the happiest, cuddliest, cutest girl ever in the mornings. I just adore this picture of her sitting in her night dress, while I read her a stack of books! She loves books with silly rhymes, poems, and songs. Not quiet ready for an actual story yet. Love this girl!

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